Our magazine is part of the everyday dialogue that takes place between the producer and the buyer, but with the aim of going further. The intention is going beyond a limited interchange based upon needs, quality and prices; our magazine will thus overlook mundane and ordinary commercial issues, acquiring fluidity in form and substance. It will deal with technical, scientific, social, and – why not – also cultural and artistic matters, which are all closely connected to manufacturing but which receive little visibility from the commercial and advertising sectors.
And on this day, when the first edition of our magazine is on the printing press and these introductory lines are being written, our growing desire is to succeed now and in the future in attributing a different – or complementary – tone to this magazine than the more aggressive approach that characterises contemporary advertising.
Therefore, we approach you not to say that “Pirelli is the leading tyre in the sector” or to convince you all to “drive with Pirelli”, in order to influence your choices or to impose any particular routine. We are here to converse with you, in the name of our Company. For its know-how and the work that it encompasses, for its activities in numerous sectors – from the social to technical and organisational –, and for the leading position that it has achieved in many parts of the world, we retain to have something useful to say.
In the magazine, you will hear our voices; the voices of people from the corporate sector, each with our own specialisations, but also of people from other sectors who, as outsiders, have perhaps been able to escape the fatal aridity of excessive technicality and to elevate the matter through their art, their sensitivity and their fantasy.
We have plenty of matter. Few industries can offer such a varied field of application and interests to such a diverse range of people. We are always the accessory, but an indispensable accessory: our products are essential for transport, for electricity, for any other area of industry, from sports and clothing to domestic or sanitary appliances, and so on.
Our Company deals with an enormous range of products, from raw materials to semi-elaborated products. We use a vast range of machinery and tools, we develop scientific laboratories which encourage further progress. So many possibilities to contribute to the evolution of modern life! But through this magazine, if we are able to elevate ourselves a little further, we will do this, knowing that every contribution to the machine civilization must be made in respect to the highest cultural and social values of life.